Blefaroplastie cu laser CO2
Prin operatia de labioplastie se corecteaza marimea, volumul sau asimetria labiilor. Consultatie Gratuita la clinica Derma Expert.
Starts From: $700
Prin operatia de labioplastie se corecteaza marimea, volumul sau asimetria labiilor. Consultatie Gratuita la clinica Derma Expert.
Starts From: $700
Rejuvenare faciala laser PicoPlus
Rejuvenarea faciala Hollywood Laser Peel cu PicoPlus este cea mai moderna metodas non-invaziva de rejuvenare faciala.
Starts From: $700
Tratament onicomicoza
Scapa de onicomicoza! Tratament laser impotriva ciupercii piciorului. Tehnologie moderna disponibila in clinica Derma Expert by Elōs pentru tratarea unghiilor.
Starts From: $700
Tratament pentru vergeturi
Tratament laser impotriva vergeturilor. Derma Expert by Elōs dispune de tehnologii laser moderne si specialisti dermatologi in tratarea vergeturilor.
Starts From: $700
Tratament cuperoza si rozacee
Cele mai moderne metode de tratare a cuperozei, la Dermaexpert by Elos.
Tratament pete pigmentare
Tratament pete pigmentare cu laser. Clinica Derma Expert by Elōs dispune de aparatura laser performanta si specialisti in tratarea petelor pigmentare
Starts From: $700
Leziuni Vasculare
To use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text .
Starts From: $700
Rejuvenare vaginala
To use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text .
Starts From: $700
Tratament cicatrici
To use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text .